1Get Your Tickets

* Select quantity of tickets.
* Choose A Ticket Type
Looks Like This Ticket Type Is Sold Out
We're so sorry, but looks like Session 2 - Resident (PM Session) is sold out.
Looks Like This Ticket Type Is Sold Out
We're so sorry, but looks like Session 2 - Non-Resident (PM Session) is sold out.

2Personal Information

* Fill out your information.
Looks like this participant is under 18

A parent or guardian will need to register on behalf of this participant. Enter your information below to complete the registration for the minor.

* Are you the emergency contact?

Account Information

* Create an account to save your information.
Oops! I Forgot my password A password reset email has been sent. send again
Password should be at least 8 characters long

How do I manage my ticket information?

Enter your email and a unique password above to create an account where you can manage your tickets, view upcoming events, buy merchandise and more. Don't worry, we will guide you through the entire process.


* You are almost done! If needed provide your credit card information.
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I have read and agree to theWe've read and agree to the Consent Form and to haku's Terms & Conditions.